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Medical Devices Industry Primer

By FifthElement
Medical devices touch every corner of the healthcare system and play a key role in the diagnosis, management and treatment of diseases. The industry makes an enormous amount of products but all products are not created equal. This is reflected in how devices are regulated and brought to market. This primer will introduce you to the different types of medical devices, and take you through what it takes to go from an idea to a product in the market, how competitive dynamics play out and how the industry might evolve in the future.
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Product Types
  • Value Chain - R and D
  • Value Chain - Manufacturing
  • Value Chain - Commercialization
  • Market Overview
  • Trends
  • Wrap-up
Medical Devices Medical Device Development Medical Device Manufacturing Medical Device Sales Medical Equipment Medical Device Directive Durable Medical Equipment Biomedical Technology Cardiac Devices Biomedical Instrumentation